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We, at New Life Uganda, have a vision to reach our region through solid Bible training and discipleship. We teach, train, and equip people of all ages.

We currently operate 12 Bible schools with 200 pastors in training. We are also partnered with Scripture Union to work with high schools in our district of Bugiri. We teach at the high schools and we also teach Scripture Union leaders how to better teach, lead, and train others. We also work with children and youth.


In Uganda, they say that the Gospel is a mile wide but only an inch deep. The good people of Uganda have been misled and exploited by false teachers because of a lack of solid Bible knowledge. When this ministry first began we called together a group of village pastors and asked “How many of you have read through the entire New Testament?” Only one said “yes.” This shocking news should be of great concern for the global church. But not only is it true, but 9 out of 10 pastors in the world lack good Bible training!

Ugandan church leaders and members are starved for good Bible teaching and lack the ability to read the Bible for themselves as their reading comprehension levels are low. In addition to the literacy problem, they are never taught how to read the Bible and understand for it themselves. Ugandans are hungry for the Word of God and our Bible Studies are always in high demand and well attended. It would be true to say that the Harvest is ready, but the Workers are few! We currently have Bible studies for children, youth, teenagers, young adults, church leaders, and pastors.


We use two methods of teaching:

1. We read through the entire New Testament, chapter by chapter, explaining what is being taught as we go. For this program we meet for one day every two weeks, for 3 to 4 years. The time is not set as we can only teach as fast as the students can learn. This program is mostly for pastors and church leaders.

2. We use a storytelling curriculum called SHIM* that was developed for Uganda to help students learn how to read and interpret scripture as well as memorize the major stories in the Bible. The Old Testament curriculum takes about 18 months to teach and the New Testament takes 12 months.

*SHIM stands for Shepherd’s Heart International Ministries which was developed by Andy Smith and Bob Peterson.



Left to right: Stephen Okware, Simon Peter Kato, Maxwell Jumba, Muhammed Mugoya, Gidion Othieno, John Amuriat Jr, and Matt Actis (not pictured)

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